White Fang (English Novel) (A5,yumshoq)

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White Fan (English novel) Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660. It may be inevitable that Defoe, speaking with the man, will become a political journalist. As a puritan, he believed that God had given him a mission to print the truth, that is, to proselytize on religion and politics, and in fact, he became a prolific pamphlet that satisfies the hypocrisy of the church and state. Defoe admired William III, and his poem True English (1701) won him the king's friendship. But a corrupted satire on extreme churches, which was published during the reign of Queen Anne, the shortest road with dissenters, in 1703 she was to understand that he was deprived of death for a bloody libel. Horse 59 Defoe turned into fiction, ending the life and extraordinary amazing adventures of Robinson of York, Mariner (1719), based in part on the saga of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor; mall Flanders (1722); Colonel Jack (1722); Plague of the Journal (1722); And Roxana, Or a Successful Mistress (1724).

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