Product Summery
"Love Yourself Tender” is a book for people who choose themselves first. For those who have long ignored their wishes or did not understand them; who have restrained emotions; who have refused to accept their bodies, and who never knew what it is like to celebrate your uniqueness; for those who have decided today that from now on they will become their own best friends. Tenderness to yourself is not a result of a strong-willed decision or a promise once given to yourself – it is always a journey. If you are ready to explore your own “can not’s,” “does not want’s” and “will not do’s” with friendly curiosity; if you want to go where you would like to go instead of going with the flow or against it – let this book be your guide. You can open “Love Yourself Tender” on any page and feel like your shoulders relax, it becomes easier to breathe, and your mind clears.