Card List Article
O'qituvchilar, maktab o'quvchilari, mustaqil o'rganuvchilar va oliy o'quv yurtiga tayyorlanuvchilar uchun..
O'qituvchilar, maktab o'quvchilari, mustaqil o'rganuvchilar va oliy o'quv yurtiga tayyorlanuvchilar uchun..
Biologiya testlar toplami (javoblari bilan) 1-qism Akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari darsligi asosida tuzilgan.....
Biologiya testlar toplami (javoblari bilan) 1-qism Akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari darsligi asosida tuzilgan.....
Hozirgi davrda biologiya fanining roli kundan kunga ortib, uning turli yo'nalishlari tobora rivojlanmoqda..
Umumta'lim maktablari, litsey va kollejlarda genetika fanini o'qitishda masala va mashqlar ishlash bo'yicha qo'llanmalarga ehtiyoj kundan kunga ortib ..
Blueprint Upper Intermediate is the fourth level in the highly successful Blueprint series. It takes students to a level equivalent to the Cambridge F..
Blueprint Upper Intermediate is the fourth level in the highly successful Blueprint series. It takes students to a level equivalent to the Cambridge F..
Blueprint Upper Intermediate is the fourth level in the highly successful Blueprint series. It takes students to a level equivalent to the Cambridge F..
Blueprint Upper Intermediate is the fourth level in the highly successful Blueprint series. It takes students to a level equivalent to the Cambridge F..
Blueprint Upper Intermediate is the fourth level in the highly successful Blueprint series. It takes students to a level equivalent to the Cambridge F..
Blueprint Upper Intermediate is the fourth level in the highly successful Blueprint series. It takes students to a level equivalent to the Cambridge F..
Mazkur qo'llanmada boshlang'ich sinflarda ingliz tili o'rganilishini muvaffaqiyatli va samarali tashkil etish yo'llari ochib berilgan...
Qo‘llanma algoritmlash va dasturlash asoslari bo‘yicha o‘quvchilarga fundamental bilimlarni ulashishga xizmat qiladi. Kitobda C++ dasturlash tili..